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Mutual Care (Psalm 139)


The life of the Holy Spirit has been given to us, and we should treat Him as a precious life, not an impersonal force. He is a living person. With the same care as we would treat our infant child, we must tend to the presence of God’s Spirit within us. This is not because He is small or fragile like a baby; He is greater and mightier than we know! But His value is so incredible that He deserves our utmost consideration. We have abundant opportunities to mishandle, grieve, and insult Him in this sinful, fallen world. Care for the life of God’s Spirit within you, believer!

Our care for this gift of His presence does not involve cradling or spooning baby food. When it comes to the Spirit, our care plan should involve thoughtfulness, devotion, and quality time. Things like yielding to the Spirit, asking for direction, listening, reading scripture’s instruction, adoring God, and even loving our neighbor go a long way in caring for His life within us.

Be open to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, His Word will stir thoughtfulness and meditation. We may have other plans, but the Spirit may shine His light and reveal something in one single verse that He wants us to dwell in and deeply embrace. But as we listen to these promptings, He is revealing greater measures of involvement, guidance, and presence in our daily lives as His children. By yielding, we give Him more influence. God’s care for us is so wonderful and glorious that it stretches our human comprehension. In response, He wants us to care for His Spirit, the good gift He has deposited within us. It is a mutual care between God and His child.

I wonder, have you considered how He cares for you lately? David was overwhelmed by this reality in Psalm 139, to the point of saying, “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is too high, I cannot attain to it” (139:6). David had been saying to the LORD, “You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me” (139:5). As a warrior in battle, he knew the pricelessness of protection. He had felt the reality of potential attack from any side. Often, in our Christian life, we too feel the demonic, fleshly, and worldly onslaughts that come from all sides. What a blessed revelation, warrior of Christ, to know that He has given a literal sphere of heavenly protection around anyone whose heart and life are given to Him. With His hand upon you, you can know that, “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

Is Jesus so precious to us that we have known His wonderful works, so much so that we say, “my soul knows it very well” (139:14)? The one who loves Christ has access to such a blessed knowing. It comes at a cost, and it may lead you to places you did not plan to go. But He will be with you when you go there! Hallelujah. And, if you love Him, that is what you desire most.

Do you know that He is thinking about you? Those the LORD loves are objects of His thoughts. These are “precious” thoughts toward the people He has ransomed with His own blood (139:17). Jesus is interceding for us with the Father. On earth, He spoke His thoughts to us for our good.

What ought to be our response? “Search me, O God, and know my heart… And see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way” (139:23-24). We make sure our heart and life are a hospitable home that cares for His presence. “Does anything in me hurt you, God?”

Alex Mack

Teaching Pastor

The Rock Church

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